Under mentioned members of the EC were present in the meeting: 



Dr. Anil Vaishnavi

Sh Bhupinder Tiku 

Mr. Dhruv Thusoo 

Sh. M L.Kachru 

Mr. Rajender Wanchoo 

Sh Ramesh Bhat

 Sh. O N. Kaul 

Sh. T.K.Koul 

Sh. S.K.Kaul 

Sh. Satish kumar kher 

Sh B K Raina




ITEM 1.  


Quorum being complete the meeting was called to order. 


 ITEM 2. 


 Appointment of the Chairman of the meeting. “RESOLVED that Dr. Anil Vaishnavi be hereby requested to take the Chair and preside over the meeting of the Executive Council. 


 ITEM 3. 


 The minutes of the previous meeting were placed before the members for their approval. RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 02.01.2022 were read and signed by the Chairman as an accurate manifestation of the deliberations and decisions taken at the last meeting.  


ITEM 4.  


The committee discussed the agendas of this meeting point wise. The details of these agendas are given hereunder:  


Agenda 1 

Committee formation  to look after land and caretaker in immediate crisis 

It was unanimously agreed to form a committee of under-mentioned members who will look after the land and caretaker issues in crisis. 

Sh O.N.Koul 

Sh Satish Kher 

Sh Ramesh Bhat 

Sh M.L.Kachru 


It was suggested to temporarily fence the land with metro sheets. Sh Satish kher and Sh Ramesh Bhat Sr were delegated the task of getting quotations from the market. 


Agenda 2 


Committee for getting electric connection from concerned authorities. 


Sh Satish kher is already on the job and the same will be done soon. 


Agenda 3 


Membership Drive with KKS IDs for all life members. 


It was decided to hold a membership drive on 13th of February at Mandir land Palam Vihar and Sushant lok. The existing as well as new life members will be issued a photo ID Card. The members will have to pay a nominal amount of Rs 100 against charges of the ID Card. Rs 2000 will be the Life membership fee. As per the Rule 17 of HR and RS act 2012, it is mandatory for every society to issue Identity Cards to its members. To adhere to the instructions it was unanimously approved to issue ID cards to every life member. 

Members wanted to know the details of 44 life membership forms handed over by Sh Susheel Bhat. Treasurer informed the committee that he is already checking the details of these forms and will complete the same and submit the report in next ex com meet. Members raised a point about clearing accounts of funds generated in the name of KKS since last 2 years and after reconciliation the same to be kept on record. 

Members also raised a query for clarification of the amount donated by several members for paying the penalty of HUDA authorities for registration of land. The amount was paid to HUDA through an individual’s account. The acknowledgement from HUDA for this mount is still not received by the new committee. 


Agenda 4 


Action report from committees on the works delegated to them to be submitted to ex-com for information. 


Revival of 80 G will be done after submission of Balance Sheet 

Scholarship: No action 

Neelnag: The first e edition of Neel Nag is under way and will be released for members by 31st March 2022. 

Land use rules: the committee headed by Mr T.K.Kaul had prepared a draft which was approved by Mr B. Tiku, the fellow committee member and GS but Mr Wanchoo, had to offer some suggestions for it. The draft of the committee will now be placed again before Ex Com for discussion and approval. 


Agenda 5 


Suggestion and vote to be sought for conducting independent financial audit for the period 2010-18 as was desired by many life members. 

It was unanimously agreed that the audit of accounts for the said period will be kept in abeyance till the auditor files its audited report to authorities. 


 Agenda 6 


Adopting resolution for Co- Opting members for overseeing Temple Construction and other future ventures of KKS 

The following members were selected for overseeing the future projects of the Sabha 

Sh Shiban Sultan 

Sh H.L.Kher 

Sh Kaka Ji Bhan

Sh. Ashok Zutshi 

Sh Sanjiv Misri 

Sh Sunil Kher 

Sh T N Kaul


Agenda 7: 

Any other point with the permission of chair. 


Sh Satish Kher suggested for withdrawal of police case filed by previous office bearers but the same could not approved for lack of adequate chorum. The matter will be discussed in next EC meeting.






Plot No. RB 1 ,Sector 23-23A Palam Vihar,Gurugram-122017 (Haryana)


Plot No. RB 1 ,Sector 23-23A Palam Vihar,Gurugram-122017 (Haryana)